Ubuntu giving back to Debian: facts and numbers!

I’ve always been annoyed by the discussions about “is Ubuntu really giving back to Debian?”. Debian Developers usually don’t see a lot of “giving back”, and Ubuntu Developers complain about Debian Developers ignoring their bug reports and patches.

So, a few months ago, I proposed that Ubuntu developers use a usertag when they report bugs to the Debian BTS, so they can be tracked.

Results are available:


  • It’s really good to see Ubuntu developers reporting bugs and contributing patches to Debian!
  • … But more bugs (and patches) would be better, of course. Let’s continue the good work!
  • Many patches are applied very fast in Debian (as usual), but in some cases, the patches are ignored (as usual, too). It would be great if Debian Developers could treat those bugs as higher priority, since it makes life easier on the Ubuntu side (less difference means less work)

If you are an Ubuntu Developer, read wiki.u.c/Bugs/Debian/Usertagging for the details on how to tag the bugs you file. Note that the submittodebian script in the ubuntu-dev-tools package already sets the usertags.

4 thoughts on “Ubuntu giving back to Debian: facts and numbers!

  1. Many patches are applied very fast in Debian (as usual), but in some cases, the patches are ignored (as usual, too).

    To be fair, as with all patches, many are good quality, many are plainly not.

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