I attended DebConf’15 last week. After being on semi-vacation from Debian for the last few months, recovering after the end of my second DPL term, it was great to be active again, talk to many people, and go back to doing technical work. Unfortunately, I caught the debbug quite early in the week, so I was not able to make it as intense as I wanted, but it was great nevertheless.
I still managed to do quite a lot:
- I rewrote a core part of UDD, which will make it easier to monitor data importer scripts and reduce the cron-spam
- with DSA members, I worked on finding a suitable workaround for the storage performance issues that have been plaguing UDD for the last few months. fsyncs() will now longer hang for 15 minutes, yay!
- I added a DUCK importer to UDD, and added that information to the Debian Maintainer Dashboard
- I worked a bit on cleaning up the status of my packages, including digging into a strange texlive issue (that showed up in developers-reference), that is now fixed in unstable
- I worked a bit on improving git-buildpackage documentation (more to come in that area)
- Last but not least, I played Mao for the first time in years, and it was a lot of fun. (even if my brain is still slowly recovering)
DC15 was a great DebConf, probably one of the two bests I’ve attended so far. I’m now looking forward to DC16 in Cape Town!