UDD and packages metrics

Peter Eisentraut played with Ultimate Debian Database, and wanted to create a “maintenance effort” metric by multiplying each package’s installed size by its popcon. His query is:
SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY score DESC), source,
sum(installed_size::numeric * insts) AS score
FROM packages JOIN popcon USING (package)
WHERE distribution = 'debian' AND release = 'sid'
AND component = 'main' AND architecture IN ('all', 'i386')
GROUP BY source, version ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 30;

Besides all the interesting things that I learnt by looking at his query (rank(), and a bug in UDD because installed_size should really be numeric to avoid the conversion), Peter had a problem with his query: linux-2.6 is missing from the results, while it should obviously have a large popcon and a large install size.

The problem is that the binary packages for linux-2.6 often change, so they don’t get very high in popcon. The unstable kernel package gets a ridiculous popcon score:

select package, insts from popcon
where package in (select package from packages where source ='linux-2.6' and release='sid')
order by insts desc limit 30;

package                           | insts
linux-libc-dev                    | 38703
linux-source-2.6.29               |   614
linux-headers-2.6.29-2-common     |   256
linux-image-2.6.29-2-amd64        |   239

A solution could be to change the metric to be: MAX(insts over all binary packages from this source package) * SUM(installed_size)
The good thing is that UDD already offers a popcon_src view, that gives the popcon score for a source package. So the query becomes:
SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY score DESC), source,
sum(installed_size::numeric * insts) AS score
FROM packages JOIN popcon_src USING (source)
WHERE distribution = 'debian' AND release = 'sid'
AND component = 'main' AND architecture IN ('all', 'i386')

 rank |     source    |    score
1 | openoffice.org    | 92177633504
2 | qt4-x11           | 18503941620
3 | linux-2.6         | 16036201020
4 | gcc-4.3           | 14369300376
5 | mesa              | 12962475968
6 | eglibc            | 12581290240
7 | gcc-4.4           | 11411296672
8 | samba             | 10021083072
9 | xulrunner         |  9037295424
10 | mysql-dfsg-5.0   |  8348333532

This time, linux-2.6 shows up near the top of the list.

Simple CMS for a simple website ?

Dear readers,

I’m looking for a simple CMS, that would be usable by a non-programmer to write a simple website with less than 10 pages, not updated too frequently.

– maintained/supported, but won’t force me to upgrade for security reasons every month
– good wysiwyg editor (including positioning of images). Wiki-like markup is not an option.
– easy to learn, easy to use.
– doesn’t look like a CMS or a blog for the visitors.
– usable by a non-programmer. Please suggest something that your parents would be able to use :-)

Bonus points if:
– documentation available in french
– available as a Debian package
– doesn’t expose many complex about publication workflow, user management, etc

So, suggestions ?