Cool stats about Debian bugs

Now that bug #500000 has been reported, let’s have a look at all our other bugs, using UDD.

Number of archived bugs:

select count(*) from archived_bugs;

Number of unarchived bugs marked done:

select count(*) from bugs where status = 'done';

Status of unarchived bugs (“pending” doesn’t mean “tagged pending” here):

select status, count(*) from bugs group by status;
    status     | count 
 pending       | 53587
 pending-fixed |  1195
 forwarded     |  6778
 done          |  8267
 fixed         |   167

The sum isn’t even close to 500000. That’s because quite a lot of bugs disappeared:

select id from bugs union select id from archived_bugs order by id limit 10;

Now, let’s look at our open bugs.
Oldest open bugs:

select id, package, title, arrival from bugs where status != 'done' order by id limit 10;
  id  |    package     |                                   title                                    |       arrival       
  825 | trn            | trn warning messages corrupt thread selector display                       | 1995-04-22 18:33:01
 1555 | dselect        | dselect per-screen-half focus request                                      | 1995-10-06 15:48:04
 2297 | xterm          | xterm: xterm sometimes gets mouse-paste and RETURN keypress in wrong order | 1996-02-07 21:33:01
 2298 | trn            | trn bug with shell escaping                                                | 1996-02-07 21:48:01
 3175 | xonix          | xonix colors bad for colorblind                                            | 1996-05-31 23:18:04
 3180 | linuxdoc-tools | linuxdoc-sgml semantics and formatting problems                            | 1996-06-02 05:18:03
 3251 | acct           | accounting file corruption                                                 | 1996-06-12 17:44:10
 3773 | xless          | xless default window too thin and won't go away when asked nicely          | 1996-07-14 00:03:09
 4073 | make           | make pattern rules delete intermediate files                               | 1996-08-08 20:18:01
 4448 | dselect        | [PERF] dselect performance gripe (disk method doing dpkg -iGROEB)          | 1996-09-09 03:33:05

Breakdown by severity:

select severity, count(*) from bugs where status != 'done' group by severity;
 severity  | count 
 normal    | 27680
 important |  7606
 minor     |  6921
 wishlist  | 18898
 critical  |    29
 grave     |   209
 serious   |   384

Top 10 submitters for open bugs:

select submitter, count(*) from bugs where status != 'done' group by submitter order by count desc limit 10;
submitter                      | count 
 Dan Jacobson                  |  1455
 martin f krafft                |   667
 Raphael Geissert                |   422
 Joey Hess                        |   392
 Marc Haber            |   368
 Julien Danjou                     |   342
 Josh Triplett                |   331
 Vincent Lefevre                |   296                                |   260
 Justin Pryzby  |   245

Top bugs reporters ever:

select submitter, count(*) from (select * from bugs union select * from archived_bugs) as all_bugs
group by submitter order by count desc limit 10;
                  submitter                   | count 
 Martin Michlmayr             |  4279
 Dan Jacobson            |  3652
 Daniel Schepler  |  3045
 Joey Hess                  |  2836
 Lucas Nussbaum     |  2701
 Andreas Jochens                |  2605
 Matthias Klose         |  2442
 Christian Perrier        |  2302
 James Troup                |  2198
 Matt Zimmerman               |  2027

You want more data? Connect to UDD (from master.d.o or alioth.d.o, more info here), run your own queries, and post them with the results in the comments!

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