Next week, I’ll head to Strasbourg for Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre 2011. On monday morning, I’ll be giving my Debian Packaging Tutorial for the second time. Let’s hope it goes well and I can recruit some future DDs!
Then, at the end of July, I’ll attend Debconf again. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to participate in Debcamp this year, but I look forward to a full week of talks and exciting discussions. There, I’ll be chairing two sessions about Ruby in Debian and Quality Assurance.
Où est la dernière version du tutoriel que tu as utilisée aux RMLL ?
dans le paquet packaging tutorial, dans unstable
Oui, mais une version en ligne (pour pointer dessus depuis le site des RMLL) ?
J’avais oublié qu’il était sur